- gradient method
- градиентный метод (решения уравнений)
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control. 2015.
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control. 2015.
gradient method — gradiento metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. gradient method vok. Gradientenmethode, f rus. градиентный метод, m pranc. méthode du gradient, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Conjugate gradient method — A comparison of the convergence of gradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate vector (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetic,… … Wikipedia
Nonlinear conjugate gradient method — In numerical optimization, the nonlinear conjugate gradient method generalizes the conjugate gradient method to nonlinear optimization. For a quadratic function : The minimum of f is obtained when the gradient is 0: . Whereas linear conjugate… … Wikipedia
Derivation of the conjugate gradient method — In numerical linear algebra, the conjugate gradient method is an iterative method for numerically solving the linear system where is symmetric positive definite. The conjugate gradient method can be derived from several different perspectives,… … Wikipedia
Biconjugate gradient method — In mathematics, more specifically in numerical analysis, the biconjugate gradient method is an algorithm to solve systems of linear equations :A x= b.,Unlike the conjugate gradient method, this algorithm does not require the matrix A to be self… … Wikipedia
Preconditioned conjugate gradient method — The conjugate gradient method is a numerical algorithm that solves a system of linear equations:A x= b.,where A is symmetric [positive definite] . If the matrix A is ill conditioned, i.e. it has a large condition number kappa(A), it is often… … Wikipedia
Gradient-index optics — is the branch of optics covering optical effects produced by a gradual variation of the refractive index of a material. An example of gradient index optics is the common mirage of a pool of water appearing on a road on a hot day. The pool is… … Wikipedia
Gradient enhanced NMR spectroscopy — Gradient enhanced NMR is a method for obtaining high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra without the need for phase cycling . Gradient methodology is used extensively for two purposes, either rephasing (selection) or dephasing… … Wikipedia
Gradient noise — is a type of noise commonly used as a procedural texture primitive in computer graphics. It is conceptually different, and often confused with value noise. This method consists of a creation of a lattice of random gradients, which are then… … Wikipedia
Gradient analysis — is an empirical analytical method used in plant community ecology to relate the abundances of various species in a plant community to various environmental gradients by ordination or by weighted averaging. These gradients are usually variables… … Wikipedia
Gradient descent — For the analytical method called steepest descent see Method of steepest descent. Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of the… … Wikipedia